Welcome Everyone

Welcome to my adventure... Hopefully you'll enjoy reading about my adventures half as much as I enjoy being in them. Here you'll find my blogs about everything I might have a conversation about. So if something doesn't seem to interest you skip to something that does. I am pretty random and eclectic so I am sure there is something for everyone.

Thursday, 2 April 2020

Poetry Writing Month

April is poetry writing month.

Seeing as we are all in quarantine I am going to make sure that I do it this year.

I have not written any poetry, that wasn't lyric, since around when I finished my undergrad. This is sad and I am excited to experiment with words again.

Shoutout to Dean and Matt on the magnificast who recently did an arc on poetry and have helped rekindle my interest in non-lyrical writing.

"The Magnificast is a podcast exploring Christianity and the political left." It has been a major source of thought and inspiration for me in the last six months and Dean provides some really interesting and fun classes very affordably online through the ICS.

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